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30 different matching expressions found:

gátol to arrest (Correction)
to balk (Correction)
to bar (Correction)
to block (Correction)
to clog (Correction)
to clog up (Correction)
to cramp (Correction)
to detain (Correction)
to embarrass (Correction)
to hamper (Correction)
to impede (Correction)
to obstruct (Correction)
to retard (Correction)
to throttle (Correction)
gátolt hampered (Correction)
gátolás incapacitation (Correction)
meggátol to balk (Correction)
to encumber (Correction)
to hinder (Correction)
to impede (Correction)
to incapacitate (Correction)
to inhibit (Correction)
to preclude (Correction)
to stem (Correction)
gátoltatás incapacitation (Correction)
meggátolás prevention (Correction)
körülgátol to bank (Correction)
gátol vmiben to interfere (Correction)
vmi által nem gátolt untrammelled by sg (Correction)
tevékenységében gátol vkit to put a stopper on sy's activities (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

gátol embarrass (Correction)
meggátol barred (Correction)
inhibit (Correction)
to prevent from (Correction)
gátol vmiben interfere (Correction)
gátolni vmben interfering (Correction)
akadályoz, gátol hinder (Correction)
tömb; akadályoz, gátol block (Correction)

Correction mode off