[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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40 different matching expressions found:

hajít to bowl (Correction)
to bung (Correction)
to cast, cast (Correction)
to dart (Correction)
to fling, flung (Correction)
to heave (Correction)
to heave, hove (Correction)
to hurl (Correction)
to launch (Correction)
to pitch (Correction)
to project (Correction)
to send, sent (Correction)
to shy (Correction)
to sling, slung (Correction)
to throw, threw, thrown (Correction)
to toss (Correction)
hajító projectile (Correction)
hajítás cast (Correction)
fling (Correction)
pitch (Correction)
projection (Correction)
shot (Correction)
shy (Correction)
throw (Correction)
toss (Correction)
kihajít to fling out (Correction)
to pitch out (Correction)
elhajít to reject (Correction)
to sling, slung (Correction)
meghajít to bung (Correction)
felhajít to fling up (Correction)
to send up (Correction)
hajítórúd caber (Correction)
hajítás stone's throw (Correction)
hajítódárda spear (Correction)
visszahajít to throw back (Correction)
gerelyhajítás javelin throw (Correction)
levegőbe hajít to fling up (Correction)
hajításnyi távolság stone's throw (Correction)
csak egy kőhajításnyira van innen it's only a stone's throw away (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

hajít hurl (Correction)
kihajít pitch out (Correction)
(el)hajított flung (Correction)
gerelyhajítás throwing the javelin (Correction)
ostromgép (hajítógép) catapult (Correction)
jégkoronghajítás (sport), jégteke curling (Correction)
ledob, lehajít vmit (pl. asztalra, maga elé, stb.) to toss down st (Correction)

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