[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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15 different matching expressions found:

here lounger (Correction)
stone (Correction)
testicle (Correction)
here clover (Correction)
trefoil (Correction)
fehérhere white clover (Correction)
kúszóhere white clover (Correction)
herezacskó cod (Correction)
scrotum, scrota (Correction)
here (méh) drone (Correction)
herelevél cloverleaf (Correction)
fehér lóhere white clover (Correction)
négylevelű lóhere four-leaf clover (Correction)
four-leaved clover (Correction)
here alakú útelágazás cloverleaf (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

64 different matching expressions found:

here ball (Correction)
where (Correction)
here cloverleaf (Correction)
shamrock (Correction)
where? (Correction)
whereas (Correction)
whereon (Correction)
whereto (Correction)
koherens coherent (Correction)
herevédő suspensor (Correction)
herekötő suspensory (Correction)
where'er (Correction)
whereat? (Correction)
whereof? (Correction)
whereon? (Correction)
whereto? (Correction)
wherever (Correction)
withered (Correction)
heretartó suspensor (Correction)
weathered (Correction)
wherefrom (Correction)
whereupon (Correction)
herezacskó ball sack (Correction)
scrotum (Correction)
whereafter (Correction)
wherefore? (Correction)
wherefrom? (Correction)
where is it (Correction)
whereabouts (Correction)
wheresoever (Correction)
whereabouts? (Correction)
heregyulladás orchitis (Correction)
where and when (Correction)
semmittevő/here drone (Correction)
who goes there? (Correction)
you have me there (Correction)
where do you live? (Correction)
where're you from? (Correction)
where do i come in? (Correction)
where were you born (Correction)
would there were no (Correction)
welcome to somewhere (Correction)
where are you going? (Correction)
where are your eyes? (Correction)
where shall i apply? (Correction)
where was the raise? (Correction)
yet / is it here - ? (Correction)
where do we from here (Correction)
what is going on here? (Correction)
where did you get that (Correction)
where do you come from (Correction)
where do you hang out? (Correction)
where the shoe pinches (Correction)
where / - are you from? (Correction)
where do you hail from? (Correction)
where does he come from (Correction)
where does it concern us? (Correction)
wish / i - you were here. (Correction)
where on earth have you been? (Correction)
wrong / there's sth - with it (Correction)
what on earth are you doing here? (Correction)
what business have you to be here? (Correction)
where there's a will there's a way (Correction)
Seherezádé (az 1001 éjszaka meséinek mesélője) Seherezade (Correction)

Correction mode off