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77 different matching expressions found:

jog legal (Correction)
right (Correction)
jogi judiciary (Correction)
jogos just (Correction)
justifiable (Correction)
right (Correction)
righteous (Correction)
rightful (Correction)
jogi- legal (Correction)
jogar mace (Correction)
poker (Correction)
scepter (Correction)
sceptre (Correction)
jogcím due (Correction)
pretence (Correction)
pretense (Correction)
előjog franchise (Correction)
prerogative (Correction)
privilege (Correction)
jogász jurisprudent (Correction)
jurist (Correction)
jogdíj royalty (Correction)
jogkör tether (Correction)
vijjog to scream (Correction)
to squawk (Correction)
jogutód assign (Correction)
successor (Correction)
jogosan by right (Correction)
by rights (Correction)
deservedly (Correction)
justly (Correction)
right (Correction)
rightfully (Correction)
rightly (Correction)
ököljog club-law (Correction)
hadijog martial law (Correction)
jogrend rule of law (Correction)
vétójog veto (Correction)
joghurt yoghourt (Correction)
yoghurt (Correction)
yogurt (Correction)
magánjog civil law (Correction)
jogosult entitled (Correction)
jogosság equity (Correction)
justness (Correction)
right (Correction)
zálogjog hypothec (Correction)
jogtalan illegitimate (Correction)
lawless (Correction)
not right (Correction)
unauthorized (Correction)
undue (Correction)
unwarrantable (Correction)
unwarranted (Correction)
wrongful (Correction)
wrongous (Correction)
előjogok liberties (Correction)
anyajogi matriarchal (Correction)
jogigény pretension (Correction)
vijjogás squawk (Correction)
jogsértő wrongdoer (Correction)
jogsértés aggrievement (Correction)
trespass (Correction)
vmi jogon by right of (Correction)
by right of sg (Correction)
vmi jogán by right of (Correction)
by right of sg (Correction)
mi jogon? by what right? (Correction)
polgárjog franchise (Correction)
felségjog royal prerogative (Correction)
szokásjog unwritten law (Correction)
jogosított assign (Correction)
büntetőjog criminal law (Correction)
penal law (Correction)
jogsérelem encroachment on sy's rights (Correction)
jogszabály law (Correction)
anyagi jog substantive law (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

23 different matching expressions found:

jogok rights (Correction)
jogerő legal force (Correction)
jogász limb of the law (Correction)
templar (Correction)
esetjog case-law (Correction)
jogosan de jure (Correction)
jogrend law and order (Correction)
jogerős legally binding (Correction)
jogelőd predecessor in title (Correction)
jogosult authorized (Correction)
eligible (Correction)
obligee (Correction)
magánjog common law (Correction)
jogállam constitutional state (Correction)
váltójog exchange law (Correction)
munkajog labour law (Correction)
jogszerű lawful (Correction)
joghézag loophole (Correction)
anyaijog matriarch (Correction)
jogsegély legal aid (Correction)
jogügylet legal transaction (Correction)
(jog)utód successor (Correction)
jogsértés violation of law (Correction)

Correction mode off