[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

44 different matching expressions found:

kard brand (Correction)
iron (Correction)
saber (Correction)
skewer (Correction)
steel (Correction)
sword (Correction)
kardal chorus (Correction)
kardhal swordfish (Correction)
kardigán cardigan (Correction)
cardigan sweater (Correction)
kardalos choralist (Correction)
chorus-singer (Correction)
kardgomb pommel (Correction)
kardkötő sword belt (Correction)
kardszíj sword belt (Correction)
kardvirág gladiolus (Correction)
kardalosnő chorus-girl (Correction)
chorus-singer (Correction)
kardot köt to belt on a sword (Correction)
kardot ölt to gird on one's sword (Correction)
lap (kardé) blade (Correction)
kardcsörgés clashing (Correction)
kardot ránt to unsheathe the sword (Correction)
női kardigán jumper (Correction)
kardcsörtetés sabre-rattling (Correction)
kardánkereszt spider (Correction)
kardos asszony bossy woman (Correction)
kivont karddal sword at the carry (Correction)
kihúz (kardot) to unsheathe (Correction)
kardfogú tigris sabertooth tiger (Correction)
kiránt (kardot) to unsheathe (Correction)
forgat (kardot) to wield (Correction)
meztelen (kard) unsheathed (Correction)
kardos menyecske bossy woman (Correction)
kétélű skót kard claymore (Correction)
kétkezi skót kard claymore (Correction)
malabár-kardamomum cardamom (Correction)
cardamum (Correction)
kardhegy éles háta false edge of sword (Correction)
kardszárnyú delfin orc (Correction)
félrecsúszik (kard) to glance off (Correction)
görbe élű hosszú kard scimitar (Correction)
felcsatolja a kardját to buckle on one's sword (Correction)
ne akard ezt nekem bemesélni! tell that to the marines! (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

26 different matching expressions found:

kard sabre (Correction)
kardöv sword-belt (Correction)
kardhal sword-fish (Correction)
kardfogú sabre-toothed (Correction)
kardtánc sword-dance (Correction)
kardbojt sword-knot (Correction)
kardvívás fencing with swords (Correction)
kardvirág gladiolues (Correction)
kardvágás sword-cut (Correction)
kardszerű sword-like (Correction)
kardhüvely scabbard (Correction)
kardot ránt draw one's sword (Correction)
kivont kard naked sword (Correction)
kardforgató swordsman (Correction)
kardot ragad draw the sword (Correction)
kardjába dől fall on one's sword (Correction)
kardforgatás sword-play (Correction)
kardántengely cardan-shaft (Correction)
propeller shaft (Correction)
kardélre hány put to the sword (Correction)
kard, vivókard sword (Correction)
másfélkezes kard bastard sword (Correction)
jól bánik a karddal be a fine swordsman (Correction)
ne akard ezt nekem bemesélni tell it to the horse marines (Correction)
nekem ezt ne akard bemesélni tell that to the marines (Correction)
kardszárnyú delfin, gyilkos bálna killer whale (Correction)

Correction mode off