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71 different matching expressions found:

lapít to plate (Correction)
to play possum (Correction)
to sit tight (Correction)
to skulk (Correction)
alapít to base (Correction)
to endow (Correction)
to establish (Correction)
to found (Correction)
to institute (Correction)
to set up (Correction)
to start (Correction)
alapító founder (Correction)
parent (Correction)
alapítás establishment (Correction)
formation (Correction)
institution (Correction)
csillapít to allay (Correction)
to alleviate (Correction)
to assuage (Correction)
to attenuate (Correction)
to ease (Correction)
to lay, laid (Correction)
to mitigate (Correction)
to mollify (Correction)
to quench (Correction)
to salve (Correction)
to soothe (Correction)
szétlapít to flatten (Correction)
to plate (Correction)
to squash (Correction)
csillapító attenuative (Correction)
balmy (Correction)
depressant (Correction)
mitigative (Correction)
soothing (Correction)
alapítvány endowment (Correction)
megállapít to allocate (Correction)
to appoint (Correction)
to ascertain (Correction)
to assess (Correction)
to determine (Correction)
to diagnose (Correction)
to establish (Correction)
to find out (Correction)
to find, found (Correction)
to fix (Correction)
to lay down (Correction)
to name (Correction)
to quote (Correction)
to set out (Correction)
to set, set (Correction)
to state (Correction)
to tax (Correction)
csillapítás alleviation (Correction)
sedation (Correction)
alapító tag charter member (Correction)
társalapító co-founder (Correction)
cofounder (Correction)
lecsillapít to appease (Correction)
to calm (Correction)
to mollify (Correction)
to quell (Correction)
to quieten (Correction)
to tranquillize (Correction)
megállapítás establishment (Correction)
fixation (Correction)
statement (Correction)
megállapított set (Correction)
lecsillapítás setting (Correction)
alapítványozás endowment (Correction)
megállapítások observations (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

29 different matching expressions found:

lapít possum (Correction)
alapít found , founded , founded 2. (Correction)
lapító hang-dog (Correction)
hangdog (Correction)
alapító floater (Correction)
alapítás flotation (Correction)
csillapít assuage (Correction)
to damp (Correction)
csillapító attenuator (Correction)
palliative (Correction)
alapítótag charter member (Correction)
megállapít establish (Correction)
set out (Correction)
to decide (Correction)
alapítvány foundation (Correction)
scholarship (Correction)
lecsillapít appease (Correction)
csillapítás attenuation (Correction)
alapító tag foundation member (Correction)
founder member (Correction)
megállapítás diagnose (Correction)
diagnostic (Correction)
finding (Correction)
alapító (nő) foundress (Correction)
lázcsillapító antifebrile (Correction)
összelapított oblate (Correction)
megállapított stated (Correction)
alapító okirat articles of association (Correction)
articles of incorporation (Correction)

Correction mode off