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13 different matching expressions found:

lomha slothful (Correction)
sluggish (Correction)
torpid (Correction)
lomhaság sloth (Correction)
slothfulness (Correction)
lomha ember galoot (Correction)
lumpkin (Correction)
templomha nave (Correction)
rágalomhadjárat broadside (Correction)
szélmalomharcot vív to fight windmills (Correction)
to tilt at windmills (Correction)
szélmalomharcot folytat to fight windmills (Correction)
to tilt at windmills (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

3 different matching expressions found:

lomha slouch (Correction)
lomhaság sluggisness (Correction)
szélmalomharcot vív tilt at windmills (Correction)

Correction mode off