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27 different matching expressions found:

pára critter (Correction)
fume (Correction)
haze (Correction)
steam (Correction)
vapor (Correction)
vapour (Correction)
páratlan odd (Correction)
superlative (Correction)
supreme (Correction)
transcendent (Correction)
unequalled (Correction)
unexampled (Correction)
unique (Correction)
unmatched (Correction)
untouched (Correction)
páratlanul uniquely (Correction)
páratartalom humidity (Correction)
moisture (Correction)
gyilkos pára miasma, miasmata (Correction)
páramentesítő dehumidifier (Correction)
páratlan szám odd number (Correction)
páratlanul álló one and only (Correction)
páratlan (szám) uneven (Correction)
páratlan játékállás odd game (Correction)
páratlan a maga nemében out-and-outer (Correction)
a maga nemében páratlan untouched (Correction)
útilaput köt vki talpára to send sy away with a flea in his ear (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

24 different matching expressions found:

pára dew (Correction)
humidity (Correction)
páratlan has no peer (Correction)
matchless (Correction)
nonesuch (Correction)
nonpareil (Correction)
nonsuch (Correction)
not to be equaled (Correction)
peerless (Correction)
unrivaled (Correction)
unrivalled (Correction)
párazáró vapour proof (Correction)
pára, göz vapour (Correction)
pára (növ) mist (növ) (Correction)
füst, gőz, pára fume (Correction)
nedvesség, pára moisture (Correction)
pipáravaló(nyi) pipeful (Correction)
páratlan; különös odd (Correction)
páratlan vagy páros odd or even (Correction)
páralecsapódás (növ) moisture condensation (növ) (Correction)
páratlan képességű énekes as a singer he's few peers (Correction)
felülmúlhatatlan/páratlan out compare (Correction)
past compare (Correction)
páratlan számú kerek zárójel unmatched parenthesis (Correction)

Correction mode off