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58 different matching expressions found:

rege legend (Correction)
üreges cavernous (Correction)
hollow (Correction)
pitted (Correction)
öreges elderly (Correction)
örege ageing (Correction)
aging (Correction)
elderly (Correction)
hitrege myth (Correction)
öregebb senior (Correction)
reget to bum (Correction)
to ponce (Correction)
vereget to pat (Correction)
reget to weigh (Correction)
öregedés ageing (Correction)
aging (Correction)
curing (Correction)
rege deadbeat (Correction)
öregember buffer (Correction)
old buffer (Correction)
veregetés clap (Correction)
pat (Correction)
regetés mendicancy (Correction)
az öregek oldie (Correction)
seprege sweeping (Correction)
kitereget to hang out (Correction)
to lay out (Correction)
to put out (Correction)
nos öregem i say old egg (Correction)
regeneráló regenerating (Correction)
regenerative (Correction)
megvereget to pat (Correction)
üregesedés wash-out (Correction)
regenerátor regenerating furnace (Correction)
regenerálás regeneration (Correction)
kiöregedett superannuated (Correction)
regelvonás detoxication (Correction)
vállveregetés clap (Correction)
pat on the back (Correction)
öregek uralma gerontocracy (Correction)
regenerálódás regeneration (Correction)
öregesen megy to dodder along (Correction)
sereget állít to raise troops (Correction)
regenerálódik to regenerate (Correction)
félregereblyéz to rake off (Correction)
középfül ürege tympanum, tympana (Correction)
regeneráló üzem regenerating plant (Correction)
sárkányt ereget to fly a kite (Correction)
to send up a kite (Correction)
öregesen bandukol to dodder along (Correction)
ide figyelj öregem i say old egg (Correction)
nyájasan megvereget to chuck (Correction)
az áll megveregetése chuck (Correction)
sötéten méreget vkit to eye sy evilly (Correction)
ellenségesen méreget to glare at sy (Correction)
megveregeti a vállát to slap on the back (Correction)
sárkány módjára ereget to kite (Correction)
elöregedett élőfák gondozása timber surgery (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

28 different matching expressions found:

üregen control (Correction)
öreges oldish (Correction)
öregebb older (Correction)
öregember oldster (Correction)
veregetés patting (Correction)
regedzés carburizing (Correction)
legöregebb oldest (Correction)
megöregedés senescence (Correction)
(el)örege senescent (Correction)
édes öregem! my dear fellow! (Correction)
old fellow! (Correction)
megregelizik take one's breakfast (Correction)
vállveregetés clap on the back (Correction)
slap on the back (Correction)
megveregetett patted (Correction)
félregereblyéz rake off (Correction)
öregek otthona twilight home (Correction)
sárkányt ereget fly a kite (Correction)
veregetés, ütés pat 1. (Correction)
öregesen bandukol dodder along (Correction)
üreges szár (növ) hollow stalk (növ) (Correction)
nem fog megöregedni he won't make old bones (Correction)
üreges termés (növ) hollow fruit (növ) (Correction)
üreges tengely, cső hollow shaft (Correction)
fel a fejjel öregem! look up old chap! (Correction)
Leszólitásos Kéregetés panhandling (Correction)
megvereget, megcirógat pat 2. (Correction)
bogyóüregesedés (paradicsom) (növ) puffiness (tomato) (növ) (Correction)

Correction mode off