[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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84 different matching expressions found:

szag odor (Correction)
odour (Correction)
perfume (Correction)
scent (Correction)
smell (Correction)
spoor (Correction)
whiff (Correction)
szagos high (Correction)
szagol to nose (Correction)
to scent (Correction)
to smell (Correction)
to smell, smelt (Correction)
szaglás nose (Correction)
scent (Correction)
smell (Correction)
szagló- olfactory (Correction)
szaggat to jag (Correction)
to rend, rent (Correction)
to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
szagú fragrant (Correction)
szagzáró siphon (Correction)
szagfogó stench-trap (Correction)
trap (Correction)
szaglász to nose (Correction)
to nose about (Correction)
to nuzzle (Correction)
to snoop (Correction)
to snoop around (Correction)
kiszagol to scent (Correction)
sajtszagú cheesy (Correction)
dugószagú corked (Correction)
szaggatás crick (Correction)
joint gout (Correction)
szagtalan savourless (Correction)
erős szag tang (Correction)
megszagol to nose (Correction)
to smell (Correction)
to smell, smelt (Correction)
szaga van to smell (Correction)
to smell, smelt (Correction)
elszaggat to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
szaggatott discursive (Correction)
intermittent (Correction)
jerky (Correction)
rugged (Correction)
spasmodic (Correction)
staccato (Correction)
dohos szag fustiness (Correction)
szaglászás snoop (Correction)
rossz szag stench (Correction)
szagelzáró syphon (Correction)
megszaggat to jag (Correction)
to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
kiszaglász to nose (Correction)
szaglászik to sniff (Correction)
to snoop (Correction)
to snoop around (Correction)
szagot kap to taint (Correction)
to wind (Correction)
felszaggat to tear up (Correction)
te jószagú! cor blimey! (Correction)
szagelszívó exhaust fan (Correction)
extractor fan (Correction)
rossz szagú fetid (Correction)
foul (Correction)
malodorous (Correction)
noisome (Correction)
smelly (Correction)
sniffy (Correction)
whiffy (Correction)
pézsmaszagú musky (Correction)
csípős szag tang (Correction)
szétszaggat to lacerate (Correction)
to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
visszagurít to roll back (Correction)
visszagurul to roll back (Correction)
szagos müge wood-ruff (Correction)
áramszaggató buzzer (Correction)
szagtalanító deodorant (Correction)
szaggatottan discursively (Correction)
in a staccato voice (Correction)
szívszaggató harrowing (Correction)
poignant (Correction)
szaglószervi olfactory (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

16 different matching expressions found:

szag smell 1. (Correction)
szagolt smelled (Correction)
smelt (Correction)
földszag earthy smell (Correction)
szaglász nose about (Correction)
nose for (Correction)
nuzzle (Correction)
szagtalan odorless (Correction)
odourless (Correction)
scentless (Correction)
szag(lás) smell (Correction)
megszagol take a smell at (Correction)
szaggatott hiatus (Correction)
felszaggat tear up (Correction)
szagelszívó rangehood (Correction)
visszagurít roll back (Correction)

Correction mode off