[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

82 different matching expressions found:

tép to pick (Correction)
to pluck (Correction)
to pull (Correction)
to rattle (Correction)
to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
to zap (Correction)
tépő rending (Correction)
tépés pluck (Correction)
yank (Correction)
kitép to extract (Correction)
to pluck out (Correction)
to pluck up (Correction)
to pull up (Correction)
to rive sg away (Correction)
to rive sg off (Correction)
to tear out (Correction)
to tear up (Correction)
to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
letép to pick (Correction)
to pick off (Correction)
to pluck (Correction)
to rip off (Correction)
to rive sg away (Correction)
to rive sg off (Correction)
to rive, rived, riven (Correction)
to tear away (Correction)
to tear off (Correction)
to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
to yank off (Correction)
eltép to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
tépett raggedy-ass (Correction)
feltép to break up (Correction)
to rip (Correction)
to rip open (Correction)
to scarify (Correction)
to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
megtép to whomp (Correction)
to whump (Correction)
to womp (Correction)
fültépő deafening (Correction)
piercing (Correction)
kitépés extirpation (Correction)
extraction (Correction)
tépőfog fang (Correction)
letépés laceration (Correction)
széttép to lacerate (Correction)
to mangle (Correction)
to rupture (Correction)
to shred (Correction)
to tear up (Correction)
tépőzár velcro (Correction)
idegtépő nerve-racking (Correction)
tépelődő pensive (Correction)
összetép to tear up (Correction)
tépelődve pensively (Correction)
tépelődés pensiveness (Correction)
fültépően piercingly (Correction)
tépelődik to puzzle (Correction)
széltépte windtorn (Correction)
szájtépés yakking (Correction)
tépőfarkas devil (Correction)
hajtépázás set-to (Correction)
szívet tépő harrowing (Correction)
heart-breaking (Correction)
heart-rending (Correction)
tépdes vmit to tear at sg (Correction)
feltép vmit to tear sg open (Correction)
a haját tépi to tear one's hair (Correction)
tépett gyapjú shoddy (Correction)
tépik egymást to crab each other (Correction)
darabokra tép to pull to pieces (Correction)
to shred (Correction)
tép (autóval) to rip (Correction)
letéphető naptár block calendar (Correction)
tear-off calendar (Correction)
gyökerestül kitép to eradicate (Correction)
to root out (Correction)
to root up (Correction)
to uproot (Correction)
gyökerestől kitép to extirpate (Correction)
eltép vmit vkitől to rive sg from sy (Correction)
vigyázat, útépítés road up (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

18 different matching expressions found:

kitép pluck out (Correction)
pluck up (Correction)
letép rip off (Correction)
tear away (Correction)
tépdes tear at (Correction)
feltép tear open (Correction)
útépítés structural erection (Correction)
tépelődik puzzle over (Correction)
feltépett ripped (Correction)
szívtépően harrowingly (Correction)
megtépázva raggedly (Correction)
haját tépi tear one's hair (Correction)
letép/elrohan tear off (Correction)
kitép/kirohan tear out (Correction)
cafatokra tép tear to shreds (Correction)
tövestől kitép deracinate (Correction)
gyökerestül kitép root out (Correction)
uproot (Correction)

Correction mode off