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81 different matching expressions found:

vágy appetite (Correction)
cupidity (Correction)
desire (Correction)
eagerness (Correction)
longing (Correction)
thirst (Correction)
urge (Correction)
wish (Correction)
étvágy appetite (Correction)
relish (Correction)
stomach (Correction)
vágyik to aspire (Correction)
vágyódó desirous (Correction)
honvágy homesickness (Correction)
kéjvágy lasciviousness (Correction)
libido (Correction)
vágyódás aspiration (Correction)
hankering (Correction)
hunger (Correction)
itch (Correction)
longing (Correction)
vágyálom dream (Correction)
pipe dream (Correction)
pipedream (Correction)
wishful thinking (Correction)
kéjvágyó lascivious (Correction)
lecherous (Correction)
lustful (Correction)
prurient (Correction)
randy (Correction)
vágyódik to hunger (Correction)
to long (Correction)
to yammer (Correction)
to yearn (Correction)
becsvágyó ambitious (Correction)
buja vágy concupiscence (Correction)
erős vágy craving (Correction)
hő (vágy) devout (Correction)
nemi vágy libido (Correction)
lust (Correction)
sex urge (Correction)
tudásvágy thirst for knowledge (Correction)
becsvágyás ambition (Correction)
heves vágy keenness (Correction)
kéjvágyóan lecherously (Correction)
testi vágy lust (Correction)
vágyakozik to aspire (Correction)
to crave (Correction)
to hanker (Correction)
vágyakozva wistfully (Correction)
vágyakozás yearning (Correction)
nagyravágyó ambitious (Correction)
érzéki vágy concupiscence (Correction)
hazavágyódó homesick (Correction)
hatalomvágy lust for power (Correction)
bosszúvágyó revengeful (Correction)
vengeful (Correction)
vágyi vmire to aspire after sg (Correction)
nagyravágyás ambition (Correction)
nagyon vágyó covetous (Correction)
farkasétvágy morbid appetite (Correction)
ravenous appetite (Correction)
twist (Correction)
vágyik vmire to aspire to sg (Correction)
to covet (Correction)
to desire (Correction)
to wish (Correction)
honvágya van to be homesick (Correction)
étvágycsináló hungry-making (Correction)
vágy vmi után thirst after sg (Correction)
thirst for sg (Correction)
nagyra vágyik to aim high (Correction)
szerezni vágyó acquisitive (Correction)
nincs étvágyam i'm off my feed (Correction)
erősen vágyódó prurient (Correction)
vágyódik vmire to be ambitious of sg (Correction)
to be starved of sg (Correction)
to starve for sg (Correction)
jó étvágya van to eat well (Correction)
étvágygerjesztő appetising (Correction)
appetizer (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

19 different matching expressions found:

vágy devout (Correction)
vágyódó longing (Correction)
becsvágy ambition (Correction)
vágyódik starve for (Correction)
buja vágy prurience (Correction)
tudásvágy thirst after knowledge (Correction)
vágyakozik crave for (Correction)
set one's heart on (Correction)
jó étvágyú eat well (Correction)
bosszúvágy vindictiveness (Correction)
étvágytalan be off its oats (Correction)
ég a vágytól be spoiling (Correction)
pine to (Correction)
nincs étvágya be off one's food (Correction)
vágyódik érte be sick for (Correction)
óhajt, vágyik desire 2. (Correction)
étvágytalanság appetite / lack of - (Correction)
lack of appetite (Correction)
vérontás vágya bloodlust (Correction)

Correction mode off