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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

80 different matching expressions found:

vesz to buy, bought
to dip
to get, got
to nick
to take, took, taken
ad-vesz to mart
vért vesz to bleed, bled
to blood
to cup
to draw blood
to let blood
nőül vesz to espouse
tesz-vesz to fuss about
to fuss round
erőt vesz to overcome, -came, -come
to surmount
to surmount to sg
célba vesz to aim
to peg at
részt vesz to assist
to attend
to enter into
to partake, partook, partaken
to participate
to play a part
to wade in
bérbe vesz to charter
to farm
to hire
to lease
to rent
to take by lease
to take on lease
to take, took, taken
kézbe vesz to finger
to take, took, taken
zokon vesz to resent
magára vesz to assume
to slip over
to take on
to take upon oneself
kézhez vesz to be in receipt of
to receive
palira vesz to dupe
számba vesz to review
mintát vesz to sample
to take a sample of
tervbe vesz to scheme
kétszer vesz have a second helping
hitelbe vesz to buy on tick
semmibe vesz to despise
to ignore
to jibe
to override, -rode, -ridden
to pooh-pooh
to set at naught
to slight
to slur
igénybe vesz to draw on
to requisition
to resort
to resort to
to tax
zár alá vesz to impound
to seize
to sequestrate
magához vesz to ingest
szájába vesz to mouth
vesz (adást) to receive
to tune in
vállára vesz to shoulder
szívére vesz to take to heart
őrizetbe vesz to arrest
to detain
tréfának vesz to laugh off
mértéket vesz to measure
pózt vesz fel to posture
birtokba vesz to seize
felségül vesz to wed
szívesen vesz to welcome

Searching the extension dictionary:

20 different matching expressions found:

vesz buy
(be)vesz get
be(vesz) got
tesz-vesz fuss round
vért vesz let blood
célba vesz peg at
take a sight on
kézbe vesz put in hand
részt vesz stand in
bérbe vesz take by lease
kézhez vesz be in receipt of
alapul vesz take as a basis
fejébe vesz take it into one's head
igénybe vesz have resort to
magához vesz ingest
szívére vesz take to heart
magnóra vesz tape-record
vesz, vásárol buy , bought , bought
karjaiba vesz enfold in one's arms

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