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Az Ön által megadott szóhoz/kifejezéshez (%C3%B6sszehangol) az alábbi hasonló kifejezések találhatók a szótárban:

1 counted
2 counter
3 mounted
4 mounter
5 tourney
6 trounce
7 counter-
8 to counter
9 to trounce
10 counter-type
11 mounted tour
12 side-mounted
13 counter-draft
14 counter-offer
15 mounted paper
16 Geiger-counter
17 counter charge
18 counter-attack
19 counter-jumper
20 counter-poison
21 counter-strike
22 counter-stroke
23 mounted combat
24 mounted police
25 silver-mounted
26 bargain counter
27 counter-balance
28 counter-current
29 counter-example
30 counter-measure