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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

20 different matching expressions found:

chair szék (Correction)
tanszék (Correction)
camp chair kempingszék (Correction)
cane-chair nádszék (Correction)
easy chair karosszék (Correction)
wing-chair füles karosszék (Correction)
swivel chair forgószék (Correction)
swivel-chair forgószék (Correction)
invalid chair tolószék (Correction)
rocking chair hintaszék (Correction)
electric chair villamosszék (Correction)
lopsided chair rozzant szék (Correction)
megroggyant szék (Correction)
dentist's chair fogorvosi szék (Correction)
reclining chair állítható támlájú szék (Correction)
swivel chair job irodai munka (Correction)
adminisztratív munka (Correction)
to take the chair elnököl (Correction)
to motion sy to a chair int vkinek, hogy üljön le (Correction)
to start from one's chair felpattan ültéből (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

18 different matching expressions found:

arm-chair karosszék (Correction)
camp-chair kempingszék (Correction)
chair lift sífelvonó (Correction)
chair-back széktámla (Correction)
chair-lift libegő (Correction)
deck-chair nyugágy (Correction)
easy-chair fotel (Correction)
push-chair gyer(m)ekkocsi (Correction)
sedan-chair gyaloghintó (Correction)
basket-chair fonott szék (Correction)
lounge-chair klubfotel (Correction)
morris chair állítható háttámlájú karosszék (Correction)
take a chair leül (Correction)
rocking-chair hintaszék (Correction)
be in the chair elnököl (Correction)
leave the chair berekeszti az ülést (Correction)
This is my chair Ez az én székem (Correction)
subside into a chair karosszékbe roskad (Correction)

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