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10 different matching expressions found:

harm bántalom (Correction)
kár (Correction)
sérelem (Correction)
ártalom (Correction)
to harm bajt okoz (Correction)
sért (Correction)
árt (Correction)
to do sy harm árt vkinek (Correction)
to mean no harm nem akar rosszat (Correction)
to do harm to sy árt vkinek (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

5 different matching expressions found:

harm bántalmaz, árt (Correction)
to do harm kárt tesz (Correction)
i meant no harm semmi rosszat nem akartam (Correction)
harm watch harm catch aki másnak vermet ás maga esik bele (Correction)
it will do you no harm nem fog megártani neked (Correction)

Correction mode off