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8 different matching expressions found:

to look for keres (Correction)
vár (Correction)
to look for sg keres vmit (Correction)
to look out for sg vár vmire (Correction)
keres vmit (Correction)
to look for trouble keresi a bajt (Correction)
bajt kever (Correction)
to look about for sg keres vmit (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

look for keres (Correction)
to look for keresni (Correction)
look out for kémlelve figyel (Correction)
look about for keres (Correction)
look for sth/sb keres vmit/vkit (Correction)
look for trouble keresi a bajt (Correction)
keep a look-out for éberen figyelni (Correction)
look out for squalls! "vigyázz, baj lesz!" (Correction)
look for needle in a haystack tűt a szénakazalban (Correction)

Correction mode off