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15 different matching expressions found:

plaster tapasz (Correction)
vakolat (Correction)
to plaster beken (Correction)
betapaszt (Correction)
bevakol (Correction)
megken (Correction)
corn-plaster tyúkszemgyűrű (Correction)
tyúkszemirtó (Correction)
tyúkszemirtó tapasz (Correction)
tyúkszemtapasz (Correction)
plaster cast gipszkötés (Correction)
adhesive plaster ragtapasz (Correction)
ragasztó-szalag (Correction)
sticking plaster ragtapasz (Correction)
to be in plaster be van gipszelve (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

plaster gipsz; begipszel (Correction)
plaster up be-(vakol/gipszel) (Correction)
plaster-work vakolat (Correction)
court-plaster ragtapasz (Correction)
put in plaster gipszbe tesz (Correction)
mustard-plaster mustártapasz (Correction)
sticking-plaster ragtapasz (Correction)
plaster of parish gipsz (Correction)
plaster / put in - gipszbe tesz (Correction)

Correction mode off