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11 different matching expressions found:

doze szendergés (Correction)
dozen tucat (Correction)
to doze bóbiskol (Correction)
szendereg (Correction)
szundikál (Correction)
long dozen tizenhárom (Correction)
round dozen kerek tucat (Correction)
by the dozen tucatszám (Correction)
tucatszámra (Correction)
baker's dozen tizenhárom (Correction)
devil's dozen tizenhárom (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

dozen / a - egy tucat (Correction)
a long dozen tizenhárom (Correction)
by the dozen tucatszám(ra) (Correction)
half a dozen fél tucat (Correction)
a round dozen kereken egy tucat (Correction)
a dozen of eggs egy tucat tojás (Correction)
talk nineteen to the dozen be nem áll a szája (Correction)
dozen's and dozen's of times számtalanszor (Correction)
six of one and half a dozen of the other az egyik tizenkilenc a másik egy híján húsz (Correction)

Correction mode off