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9 different matching expressions found:

due to sg vminek következtében (Correction)
to be due esedékessé válik (Correction)
lejár (Correction)
to fall due esedékessé válik (Correction)
lejár (Correction)
to become due esedékessé válik (Correction)
lejár (Correction)
to whom is it due? ennek ki az oka? (Correction)
to give him his due megadja neki ami őt illeti (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

due to köszönhető (Correction)
miatt (Correction)
due to sth vmi miatt, vmi végett (Correction)
is due to sg következtében/köszönhetően tulajdonítható (Correction)
is due to sy kijár <vknek vm> (Correction)
due to happen várhatóan bekövetkezik (Correction)
happen / due to - várhatóan bekövetkezik (Correction)
due to (the delay) (a késés) miatt (Correction)

Correction mode off