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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

8 different matching expressions found:

fingers ujjak (Correction)
butter-fingers ügyetlen ember (Correction)
kétbalkezes ember (Correction)
sticky fingers tolvaj (Correction)
enyveskezű (Correction)
to twirl the fingers ujjaival malmozik (Correction)
ölbe tett kézzel vár (Correction)
to put the fingers in the ears fülébe dugja az ujját (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

fish fingers rántott halszeletek (Correction)
butter-fingers kétbalkezes (Correction)
my fingers itch "alig várom, hogy" (Correction)
snap one's fingers fittyet hány (Correction)
keep fingers crossed izgul/reméli hogy sikerülni fog (Correction)
to snap onés fingers csettint az ujjával (Correction)
his fingers are all thumbs kétbalkezes (Correction)
slip through one's fingers kicsúszik a kezéből (Correction)
have at one's fingers' ends kisujjában van (Correction)
look through one's fingers at elnéz a feje fölött (Correction)

Correction mode off