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30 different matching expressions found:

tire autógumi (Correction)
gumiabroncs (Correction)
kerékabroncs (Correction)
kerékpárgumi (Correction)
tired fáradt (Correction)
kimerült (Correction)
to tire elfárad (Correction)
fáraszt (Correction)
gumiabroncsot felszerel (Correction)
kifárad (Correction)
kifáraszt (Correction)
megvasal (Correction)
tireless fáradhatatlan (Correction)
tiresome fárasztó (Correction)
idegesítő (Correction)
unalmas (Correction)
tiredness fáradtság (Correction)
dead tired holtfáradt (Correction)
holtfáradtan (Correction)
tirelessly fáradhatatlanul (Correction)
to get tired elfárad (Correction)
to tire of sg beleun vmibe (Correction)
megun vmit (Correction)
pneumatic tire légtömlős abroncs (Correction)
légtömlős gumikerék (Correction)
légabroncs (Correction)
pneumatic-tired légabroncsos (Correction)
to make sy tired kifáraszt vkit (Correction)
kimerít vkit (Correction)
untat vkit (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

21 different matching expressions found:

tire fárad (Correction)
tire of belefárad (Correction)
tire sb fáraszt vkit (Correction)
be tired fáradt (Correction)
tire out kifáraszt (Correction)
tired of fáradt (Correction)
dog-tired holtfáradt (Correction)
get tired elfárad (Correction)
snow-tire téli gumi (Correction)
tire-pump autópumpa (Correction)
tire-gauge (gumi)nyomásmérő (Correction)
tire-lever (gumi)szerelővas (Correction)
tire-woman öltöztetőnő (Correction)
pretty tired meglehetösen fáradt (Correction)
to get tired elfáradni (Correction)
tired of life életunt (Correction)
pneumatic tire gumiabroncs (Correction)
tired / be - of un vmit, belefáradt vmibe (Correction)
get tired of sth megun vmit (Correction)
tired / get - of sth megun vmit (Correction)
three-ply, three-tire háromrétegű (Correction)

Correction mode off