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17 different matching expressions found:

to wound megsebesít (Correction)
megsért (Correction)
to be wounded megsebesül (Correction)
to wind, wound csavar (Correction)
felhúz (órát) (Correction)
felteker (Correction)
felcsévél (Correction)
gombolyít (Correction)
kanyarodik (Correction)
kanyarog (Correction)
kígyózik (Correction)
teker (Correction)
to die from a wound belehal sebesülésébe (Correction)
to fall mortally wounded halálos sebet kap (Correction)
halálosan megsebesül (Correction)
to fast-wind, fast-wound gyorscsévél (magnón) (Correction)
előreteker (szalagot) (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

No matching expressions found.

Correction mode off