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21 different matching expressions found:

hasbeen divatjamúlt dolog (Correction)
lecsúszott ember (Correction)
levitézlett ember (Correction)
you've been had! téged becsaptak! (Correction)
téged átejtettek! (Correction)
have been in the sun pityókás (Correction)
italos (Correction)
részeg (Correction)
to be, was/were, been van (Correction)
létezik (Correction)
megy vhova (Correction)
jön vhova (Correction)
it must have been good kellemes lehetett (Correction)
he has been around a lot sokat tapasztalt (Correction)
sokat látott (Correction)
i have never been to london sohasem voltam londonban (Correction)
sohasem jártam londonban (Correction)
he has just been on the line éppen most beszélt telefonon (Correction)
he had been a great seafaring sokat utazott a tengeren (Correction)
sokat járta a tengereket (Correction)
nagy hajós volt (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

27 different matching expressions found:

been (lesz) (Correction)
'bé ige harmadik alakja (Correction)
shebeen bögrecsárda (Correction)
i had been voltam (Correction)
he had been ő (volt) (Correction)
he has been ő (van) (Correction)
i have been vagyok (Correction)
they had been voltak (Correction)
they have been ők (vannak) (Correction)
has been canceled elmarad (Correction)
he will have been (meg)lesz (Correction)
i have never been sosem voltam/jártam (Correction)
i shall have been (meg)leszek (Correction)
he would have been ő lett volna (Correction)
i have been robbed kiraboltak (Correction)
i should have been lettem volna (Correction)
they will have been (meg)lesznek (Correction)
they would have been lettek volna (Correction)
it has been suggested "felmerült az az elgondolás, hogy" (Correction)
i've been watching you már egyideje figyellek (Correction)
it has been found that "megállapították, hogy" (Correction)
he has been around a lot sokat tapasztalt/látott (Correction)
he has been hard done by csúnyán bántak el vele (Correction)
i have been there before már voltam ott (Correction)
might / it - have been him. elképzelhetö, hogy ö volt az. (Correction)
i have never been him before még sohasem voltam/jártam (Correction)
this fashion has been taking on divatba jött/nagyon felkapták (Correction)

Correction mode off