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13 different matching expressions found:

mace buzogány (Correction)
jogar (Correction)
kormánypálca (Correction)
szerecsendió (Correction)
grimace fintor (Correction)
grimasz (Correction)
to grimace fintorokat vág (Correction)
fintorog (Correction)
grimaszokat vág (Correction)
grimaszol (Correction)
cider pomace almabor-törköly (Correction)
diatomaceous kova- (Correction)
diatomaceous earth kovaföld (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

11 different matching expressions found:

pomace almatörköly (Correction)
macerate áztat (Correction)
Macedonia Makedónia (Correction)
reed-mace gyékény (Correction)
Macedonian makedón (Correction)
spermaceti cetvelő (Correction)
mace-bearer pálcamester (Correction)
pharmaceutic gyógyszer (Correction)
pharmaceutics gyógyszerészet (Correction)
pharmaceutical gyógyszerészeti (Correction)
kokerite [Maximiliana regia (Palmaceae)] királyi karmospálma (Correction)

Correction mode off