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6 different matching expressions found:

take care! vigyázz! (Correction)
to take care ügyel arra hogy (Correction)
to take care of ügyel vmire (Correction)
to take good care ügyel arra hogy (Correction)
to take care of sg gondját viseli vkinek (Correction)
to take care of sy vigyáz vkire (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

to take care of törődni valamivel vagy valakivel (Correction)
take care of one csak magával törődik (Correction)
take care of sth elintéz vmit (Correction)
take care of (sy) vigyáz/gondját viseli (Correction)
take care of sth/sb vigyáz vkire/vmire (Correction)
care / take - of sth/sb vigyáz vkire/vmire (Correction)

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