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18 different matching expressions found:

to think of gondol vmire (Correction)
megfontol (Correction)
meggondol (Correction)
visszaemlékezik vmire (Correction)
vmilyen véleménye van vmiről (Correction)
only to think of it csak erre gondolni is (Correction)
to think much of sy sokra tart vkit (Correction)
to think well of sy becsül vkit (Correction)
to think light of sg kevésre becsül vmit (Correction)
to think highly of sy becsül vkit (Correction)
to think no end of sy rendkívül nagyra tart vkit (Correction)
to think in terms of sg vminek jegyében gondolkodik (Correction)
to bethink oneself of sg elgondolkozik vmin (Correction)
fontolgat vmit (Correction)
emlékezik vmire (Correction)
eszébe jut vmi (Correction)
now that i come to think of it jobban meggondolva a dolgot (Correction)
erről jut eszembe (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

think of meggondol (Correction)
think much of sokra tart (Correction)
think of that gondold csak (Correction)
think well of nagyra becsül (Correction)
think light of kevésre becsül (Correction)
think better of meggondolja magát (Correction)
think highly of nagyra becsül (Correction)
think poorly of nincs nagy véleménye (Correction)
i did not think of it nem jutott az eszembe (Correction)
i dread to think of it még a gondolattól is borzadok (Correction)
think no end of somebody határtalanul nagyra tart valakit/a lehető legjobb véleménye van valakiről (Correction)
i can't think of his name nem jutott eszembe a neve (Correction)
now that i come to think of it jobban meggondolva a dolgot/erről jut eszembe (Correction)
think no small beer of himself "azt hiszi, hogy ő a világ közepe" (Correction)

Correction mode off