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The word you specified doesn't have a translation in the dictionary. It seems that you did not properly set the direction of translation, because in the other direction (from hungarian into english) your search yields 100 matching words or expressions.

86 different matching expressions found:

figyel to advert (Correction)
to hearken (Correction)
to hold one's ear to the ground (Correction)
to listen (Correction)
to monitor (Correction)
to observe (Correction)
to regard (Correction)
figyelő lookout (Correction)
monitor (Correction)
observer (Correction)
figyelem attention (Correction)
consideration (Correction)
courtesy (Correction)
heed (Correction)
interest (Correction)
note (Correction)
notice (Correction)
regard (Correction)
respect (Correction)
thoughtfulness (Correction)
figyelés eye (Correction)
lookout (Correction)
figyelj! look here! (Correction)
look! (Correction)
figyelmes attentive (Correction)
considerate (Correction)
mindful (Correction)
narrow (Correction)
observant (Correction)
perceptive (Correction)
thoughtful (Correction)
figyelem! now then! (Correction)
pay attention! (Correction)
megfigyel to gumshoe (Correction)
to mark (Correction)
to monitor (Correction)
to note (Correction)
to notice (Correction)
to observe (Correction)
to scout (Correction)
figyeljen! look here! (Correction)
look! (Correction)
megfigyelő lookout (Correction)
monitoring (Correction)
observant (Correction)
observer (Correction)
megfigyelés monitoring (Correction)
observation (Correction)
sighting (Correction)
figyelmesen thoughtfully (Correction)
figyelmesség attention (Correction)
intentness (Correction)
urbanity (Correction)
figyelmetlen careless (Correction)
forgetful (Correction)
heedless (Correction)
inadvertent (Correction)
inconsiderate (Correction)
mindless (Correction)
regardless (Correction)
thoughtless (Correction)
unheeding (Correction)
unobservant (Correction)
ide figyelj! look here! (Correction)
look! (Correction)
figyelmeztet to admonish (Correction)
to caution (Correction)
to exhort (Correction)
to forewarn (Correction)
to tip (Correction)
to warn (Correction)
figyel vmire to listen to sg (Correction)
to mind (Correction)
to take note of sg (Correction)
figyelmeztető admonitory (Correction)
exhortative (Correction)
exhortatory (Correction)
premonitory (Correction)
token (Correction)
warning (Correction)
figyelőegység monitor (Correction)
megfigyelhető noticeable (Correction)
observable (Correction)
perceptible (Correction)
éberen figyel to keep one's ears open (Correction)
erősen figyel to keep the eyes peeled (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

figyel listen (Correction)
listen to (Correction)
pay attention (Correction)
figyelem heel (Correction)
figyelj ! listen ! (Correction)
megfigyel observe (Correction)
figyelmes regardful (Correction)
figyelőhely lookout post (Correction)
figyelmeztet exhort (Correction)
take the office (Correction)
figyelmetlen inattentive (Correction)
scatterbrained (Correction)
ide figyelj! listen! (Correction)
(meg)figyelö observer (Correction)

Correction mode off