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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

14 different matching expressions found:

áram current (Correction)
power (Correction)
stream (Correction)
meddő áram reactive current (Correction)
áram alatt under power (Correction)
lüktető áram pulsating current (Correction)
villamos áram current (Correction)
elektromos áram electric current (Correction)
áram alá helyez to energize (Correction)
to power (Correction)
megrázza az áram to get an electric shock (Correction)
watt nélküli áram reactive current (Correction)
áram nélküli vezeték dead wire (Correction)
az áram átüt a szikraközön the current sparks the gap (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

áram flux (Correction)
(áram)szedő collector (Correction)
váltakozó áram alternating current (Correction)
áram-átvezetés passage of the current (Correction)
megrázza az áram get a shock (Correction)
elektromosság, áram electricity (Correction)
nagyfeszültségű áram strong current (Correction)

Correction mode off