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15 different matching expressions found:

büdös effing (Correction)
fetid (Correction)
frowsty (Correction)
malodorous (Correction)
nifty (Correction)
nosey (Correction)
nosy (Correction)
smelly (Correction)
stenchy (Correction)
stinking (Correction)
stinky (Correction)
to stink, stank, stunk (Correction)
whiffy (Correction)
büdös ember stinkard (Correction)
stinker (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

3 different matching expressions found:

büdös evil-smelling (Correction)
büdös füst reek (Correction)
nincs egy (büdös) vasa sem not have a penny to bless (Correction)

Correction mode off