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11 different matching expressions found:

elad to merchandise (Correction)
to negotiate (Correction)
to sell, sold (Correction)
to turn into money (Correction)
to vend (Correction)
mindent elad to sell out (Correction)
kicsiben elad to retail (Correction)
teljesen elad to run off (Correction)
áron felül elad to dump sg on sy (Correction)
elad (mérkőzést) to throw, threw, thrown (Correction)
maradék készletet egyben elad to remainder (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

5 different matching expressions found:

elad sell (Correction)
sell , sold , sold (Correction)
selves (Correction)
vend (Correction)
újra elad resell (Correction)

Correction mode off