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12 different matching expressions found:

kínos awkward (Correction)
embarrassing (Correction)
sticky (Correction)
uneasy (Correction)
untoward (Correction)
kínos csend awkward silence (Correction)
kínos érzés disease (Correction)
kínos helyzet predicament (Correction)
kínos helyzetbe hoz to tree (Correction)
kínos pénzzavarban van to be in queer street (Correction)
kínos helyzetbe került to be treed (Correction)
kínos pontossággal kidolgozott prepared with meticulous care (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

kínos embarassing (Correction)
ill-chosen (Correction)
zavart, kinos embarrassed (Correction)
kínos helyzet tight corner (Correction)
nehéz/kinos helyzet predicament (Correction)
kínos helyzetben van be in a sad pickle (Correction)
kínos helyzetbe kerül get into a scrape (Correction)
rossz helyre tévedt/kínos helyzetben van in the wrong box (Correction)

Correction mode off