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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

9 different matching expressions found:

nem tart lépést to be out of step (Correction)
lépést tart vmivel to be abreast of sg (Correction)
to be abreast with sg (Correction)
to keep abreast of sg (Correction)
to keep up with sg (Correction)
lépést tart vkivel to be in steps with sy (Correction)
to keep in line with sy (Correction)
to keep pace with sy (Correction)
to keep step with sy (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

lépést tart be in step (Correction)
keep pace (Correction)
keep step (Correction)
lépést tart a korral keep abreast of the times (Correction)
lépést tart vele/színvonalát eléri draw up with (Correction)
lépést tart, tartja az iramot vkivel keep up with sb (Correction)

Correction mode off