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6 different matching expressions found:

végigcsinál to carry through (Correction)
végigcsinál vmit to follow out (Correction)
to follow through (Correction)
to follow up (Correction)
to go through with sg (Correction)
to see sg through (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

végigcsinál carry through (Correction)
follow through (Correction)
végigcsinál vmit follow sth through (Correction)
go through with sth (Correction)
átél, végigcsinál vmit go through sth 1. (Correction)
végigcsinál vmit; túljut vmin get through sth 4. (Correction)
nem adja fel/mindvégig kitart/végigcsinál stay the course (Correction)

Correction mode off