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55 different matching expressions found:

lesz to come, came, come (Correction)
to make, made (Correction)
elég lesz that will do (Correction)
this will do (Correction)
vége lesz to drop (Correction)
úrrá lesz to overcome, -came, -come (Correction)
ez jó lesz that will do (Correction)
this will do (Correction)
lesz vmivé to become, became, become (Correction)
habos lesz to lather (Correction)
áruló lesz to rat (Correction)
kusza lesz to swim, swam, swum (Correction)
csomós lesz to lump (Correction)
nyúlós lesz to rope (Correction)
hanyag lesz to slack (Correction)
to slacken (Correction)
bohémmé lesz to become bohemianized (Correction)
semmivé lesz to come to nothing (Correction)
to dwindle to nothing (Correction)
lesz vmilyen to get, got (Correction)
rozsdás lesz to rust (Correction)
ízetlen lesz to stale (Correction)
meredek lesz to steepen (Correction)
zavaros lesz to swim, swam, swum (Correction)
híressé lesz to win fame (Correction)
mennyi lesz? what's the figure? (Correction)
tíz éves lesz she is coming ten (Correction)
hasonlóvá lesz to conform (Correction)
vad szagú lesz to get high (Correction)
beképzelt lesz to get ideas into one's head (Correction)
libabőrös lesz to make one's flesh creep (Correction)
rossz vége lesz to come to a bad end (Correction)
szerényebb lesz to pipe down (Correction)
ez az orvos lesz it must be the doctor (Correction)
és most mi lesz? what next? (Correction)
tizenöt éves lesz he is going fifteen (Correction)
azonnal kész lesz not ready just yet (Correction)
gyászos vége lesz to come to a bad end (Correction)
fakó lesz az arca to go white (Correction)
to turn white (Correction)
alighanem eső lesz it looks like rain (Correction)
fehér lesz az arca to go white (Correction)
to turn white (Correction)
majd gondom lesz rá i'll see to it (Correction)
ennek nagy ára lesz there'll be the devil to pay (Correction)
na és most mi lesz? where do we go from here? (Correction)
kedden lesz egy hete a week come tuesday (Correction)
fizetésképtelen lesz to default (Correction)
szerelmes lesz vkibe to fall for sy (Correction)
tele lesz szeplőkkel to freckle (Correction)
modora hűvösebb lesz to stiffen (Correction)
semmi sem lesz belőle to abort (Correction)
rövidebb lesz (napok) to draw in (Correction)
libabőrös lesz vmitől to give sy the creeps (Correction)
nem lesz ennek jó vége it will come to no good (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

45 different matching expressions found:

lesz become (Correction)
he will be (Correction)
it will (Correction)
(lesz) been (Correction)
elég lesz do / it would - (Correction)
neki lesz he will have (Correction)
(meg)lesz he will have been (Correction)
nekem lesz i shall have (Correction)
nekik lesz they will have (Correction)
vmivé lesz to become, became, become (Correction)
győztes lesz come out on top (Correction)
semmivé lesz come to nothing (Correction)
dissolve into thin air (Correction)
dwindle to nothing (Correction)
piszkos lesz dirty / get - (Correction)
szabad lesz? may i? (Correction)
nagykorú lesz come of age (Correction)
lesz ami lesz hit or miss (Correction)
láthatóvá lesz come into sight (Correction)
neki (meg)lesz he will have had (Correction)
felkapott lesz take off (Correction)
rossz vége lesz come to a bad end (Correction)
nekem (meg)lesz i shall have had (Correction)
nekik (meg)lesz they will have had (Correction)
nem lesz jó vége it will come to no good (Correction)
sokáig elég lesz it will go a long way (Correction)
nagy sikere lesz it will go over big (Correction)
úrrá lesz felette make oneself master of (Correction)
nem lesz megtorlás there shall be no victimization (Correction)
ahogy lesz úgy lesz hit or miss (Correction)
majd gondom lesz rá i shall see to it (Correction)
első dolgom az lesz i'll do it first thing (Correction)
ez majd még jó lesz it will come in useful (Correction)
Holnap is lesz nap! Tomorrow is another day! (Correction)
hétfőn lesz egy hete a week come monday (Correction)
virrad, világos lesz get light (Correction)
light / get - (Correction)
becsíp, spicces lesz get tipsy (Correction)
megázik; nedves lesz get wet (Correction)
"vigyázz, baj lesz!" look out for squalls! (Correction)
ennek nagy ára lesz! there'll be the devil to pay (Correction)
becsip, spicces lesz tipsy / get - (Correction)
szerdán lesz egy hete a week come wednesday (Correction)
libabőrös lesz a háta make one's flesh creep (Correction)
pénteken lesz egy hete a week come friday (Correction)

Correction mode off