[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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89 different matching expressions found:

ék adornment (Correction)
chock (Correction)
cleat (Correction)
peg (Correction)
skid (Correction)
spacer (Correction)
wedge (Correction)
el aside (Correction)
away (Correction)
off (Correction)
past (Correction)
way (Correction)
ér brook (Correction)
brooklet (Correction)
rill (Correction)
streamlet (Correction)
string (Correction)
to hit (Correction)
to hit, hit (Correction)
vein (Correction)
ég celestial sphere (Correction)
heaven (Correction)
sky (Correction)
to be on (Correction)
to be on fire (Correction)
to burn (Correction)
to burn, burnt (Correction)
to flame (Correction)
to mantle (Correction)
él crease (Correction)
cutting edge (Correction)
edge (Correction)
face (Correction)
ledge (Correction)
poignancy (Correction)
to exist (Correction)
to live (Correction)
to subsist (Correction)
ép entire (Correction)
intact (Correction)
integral (Correction)
sound (Correction)
unharmed (Correction)
unhurt (Correction)
unscathed (Correction)
whole (Correction)
éj night (Correction)
night-time (Correction)
és plus (Correction)
év year (Correction)
egy a (Correction)
él- ace (Correction)
eón aeon (Correction)
égő afire (Correction)
alight (Correction)
bulb (Correction)
burner (Correction)
élő alive (Correction)
animate (Correction)
live (Correction)
living (Correction)
living being (Correction)
évi annual (Correction)
érv argument (Correction)
corker (Correction)
el- be- (Correction)
epe bile (Correction)
gall (Correction)
ész brain (Correction)
headpiece (Correction)
intellect (Correction)
mind (Correction)
eső cadent (Correction)
falling (Correction)
égi celestial (Correction)
heavenly (Correction)
erő dint (Correction)
force (Correction)
fortitude (Correction)
kick (Correction)
might (Correction)
moment (Correction)
evő eater (Correction)
feeder (Correction)
éti eating (Correction)
emu emu (Correction)
éra era (Correction)
-en in (Correction)
épp just (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

11 different matching expressions found:

e e (Correction)
és and (Correction)
at's (Correction)
ég be on (Correction)
eb dog (Correction)
el exeunt (Correction)
én I (Correction)
ez this (Correction)
ép undamaged (Correction)
unimpaired (Correction)
unwounded (Correction)

Correction mode off