[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

54 different matching expressions found:

hét seven (Correction)
week (Correction)
-het may (Correction)
heti weekly (Correction)
hétfő monday (Correction)
hetes seven (Correction)
heted seventh (Correction)
hetyke brash (Correction)
jaunty (Correction)
pert (Correction)
hetven seventy (Correction)
hetykén brashly (Correction)
jauntily (Correction)
két hét fortnight (Correction)
hetedik seventh (Correction)
hétalvó sleepy-head (Correction)
hetvenes septuagenarian (Correction)
hetykeség brashness (Correction)
pertness (Correction)
hétpróbás out-and-out (Correction)
heterodox unorthodox (Correction)
hétköznap weekday (Correction)
hetvenkedő blusterer (Correction)
brag (Correction)
braggart (Correction)
roister-doister (Correction)
roisterer (Correction)
roistering (Correction)
swashbuckler (Correction)
swashbuckling (Correction)
hétköznapi casual (Correction)
everyday (Correction)
informal (Correction)
ordinary (Correction)
hét közepe midweek (Correction)
hetvenéves septuagenarian (Correction)
hetvenkedés bluster (Correction)
bounce (Correction)
roistering (Correction)
swashbuckling (Correction)
hetvenkedik to bluster (Correction)
to bounce (Correction)
to brag (Correction)
to roister (Correction)
to ruffle (Correction)
a múlt héten past week (Correction)
hétköznapian prosaically (Correction)
hétköznapias trivial (Correction)
következő hét next week (Correction)
hétköznapiság ordinariness (Correction)
prose (Correction)
szenvedés hete passion week (Correction)
hetykén csinál to brazen out (Correction)
következő héten next week (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

46 different matching expressions found:

hetes septet (Correction)
septette (Correction)
hétkor at seven (Correction)
hétfői of monday (Correction)
hétfőn on monday (Correction)
hétfőre by monday (Correction)
fél hét half after six (Correction)
half past six (Correction)
hetykén pertly (Correction)
hétalvó slug-a-bed (Correction)
hétfőig till monday (Correction)
hétvégén at the weekend (Correction)
egy hete for a week (Correction)
hetenként per week (Correction)
hetvenkedő blowhard (Correction)
swanker (Correction)
hétköznapi bulk rate (Correction)
trivial (Correction)
múlt héten last week (Correction)
past week (Correction)
jövő hétfő next monday (Correction)
jövő héten next week (Correction)
hetvenedik seventieth (Correction)
húsvét hete eastertide (Correction)
néhány hete for afew weeks (Correction)
Jó hétvéget Have a good weekend (Correction)
múlt hétfőn last monday (Correction)
jövő hétfőn on monday next (Correction)
hetvenkedik roister (Correction)
nénány hete some weeks back (Correction)
ma két hete this day last fortnight (Correction)
ma egy hete this day last week (Correction)
this day week (Correction)
hétköznapias bread-and-butter (Correction)
hétévenkénti septennial (Correction)
hétmérföldes seven-league (Correction)
seven-leagued (Correction)
ezen a héten this week (Correction)
minden hétfőn every monday (Correction)
hétfő(n) este monday evening (Correction)
egész héten át all the week round (Correction)
karácsony hete christmas-tide (Correction)
hétköznapi(as) unromantic (Correction)
mához két hétre a fortnight today (Correction)
mához egy hétre a week hence (Correction)
heterozigozitás heterozygosity (Correction)

Correction mode off