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81 different matching expressions found:

béke peace (Correction)
peacetime (Correction)
quiet (Correction)
quietude (Correction)
békés civil (Correction)
pacific (Correction)
peaceable (Correction)
peaceful (Correction)
placid (Correction)
quiet (Correction)
serene (Correction)
tranquil (Correction)
beken to anoint (Correction)
to daub (Correction)
to muck (Correction)
to plaster (Correction)
to smear (Correction)
to splodge (Correction)
to splotch (Correction)
to wash (Correction)
bekér to call in (Correction)
békésen peaceably (Correction)
placidly (Correction)
békeidő peacetime (Correction)
bekéret to ask in (Correction)
to call in (Correction)
bekerít to compass (Correction)
to encircle (Correction)
to enclose (Correction)
to encompass (Correction)
to hedge in (Correction)
to hem in (Correction)
to hunt down (Correction)
to invest (Correction)
to pen (Correction)
to pen in (Correction)
to pen up (Correction)
to rail (Correction)
to ring (Correction)
bekerül to get into (Correction)
bekezdés first line of a paragraph (Correction)
par (Correction)
paragraph (Correction)
section (Correction)
béketűrő forbearing (Correction)
long-suffering (Correction)
meek (Correction)
békecsók osculatory (Correction)
békesség quietude (Correction)
serenity (Correction)
békebíró squire (Correction)
beképzelt cocky (Correction)
conceited (Correction)
confident (Correction)
high and mighty (Correction)
overweening (Correction)
snooty (Correction)
stuck-up (Correction)
swollen-headed (Correction)
vainglorious (Correction)
békéltető conciliatory (Correction)
makepeace (Correction)
pacifier (Correction)
peacemaker (Correction)
bekerítés encirclement (Correction)
enclosure (Correction)
poling (Correction)
béketűrés endurance (Correction)
forbearance (Correction)
long-suffering (Correction)
béketábla osculatory (Correction)
békekötés peacemaking (Correction)
bekebelez to annex (Correction)
bekeretez to frame (Correction)
békét köt to sheathe the sword (Correction)
to sign peace (Correction)
békebontó truce-breaker (Correction)
bekerített beset (Correction)
close (Correction)
békéltetés conciliation (Correction)
béketűrően meekly (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

19 different matching expressions found:

békés irenic (Correction)
undeleterious (Correction)
bekért entered (Correction)
bekérés entering (Correction)
békésen peacefully (Correction)
bekezdés articles (Correction)
békebíró justice of the peace (Correction)
békepipa peace-pipe (Correction)
beképzelt arrogant (Correction)
cock-a-hoop (Correction)
full of oneself (Correction)
prig (Correction)
self-important (Correction)
swell-headed (Correction)
uppish (Correction)
békéltető pacifist (Correction)
békemenet peace-march (Correction)
béke(idő) peacetime (Correction)
békét köt sheathe the sword (Correction)

Correction mode off