[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

83 different matching expressions found:

bír to stand, stood (Correction)
bíró adjudicator (Correction)
judge (Correction)
magistrate (Correction)
referee (Correction)
umpire (Correction)
birs quince (Correction)
bírói judicial (Correction)
judiciary (Correction)
juridical (Correction)
birka sheep (Correction)
bírál to criticize (Correction)
to find fault with sy (Correction)
bíráló appraising (Correction)
critical (Correction)
reviewer (Correction)
birtok demesne (Correction)
domain (Correction)
estate (Correction)
land (Correction)
lordship (Correction)
property (Correction)
propriety (Correction)
substance (Correction)
tenure (Correction)
bírság fine (Correction)
forfeit (Correction)
penalty (Correction)
scot (Correction)
birka- ovine (Correction)
bíróság bench (Correction)
court (Correction)
court of law (Correction)
courthouse (Correction)
judiciary (Correction)
law court (Correction)
tribunal (Correction)
bírálat censure (Correction)
crab (Correction)
review (Correction)
bíró úr my lud (Correction)
birkózó wrestler (Correction)
bírálóan appraisingly (Correction)
bír vmit have, had (Correction)
to have, had (Correction)
bírósági judicial (Correction)
birkahús mutton (Correction)
birtokos occupant (Correction)
possessive (Correction)
proprietary (Correction)
birtokló occupant (Correction)
birsalma quince (Correction)
birkózik to buffet (Correction)
to grapple (Correction)
to tussle (Correction)
to wrestle (Correction)
birtokol to hold possession of (Correction)
to hold, held (Correction)
to occupy (Correction)
to possess (Correction)
birkózás tussle (Correction)
wrestle (Correction)
wrestling (Correction)
birodalom empire (Correction)
realm (Correction)
birtoklás occupancy (Correction)
possession (Correction)
tenure (Correction)
birtokosi possessive (Correction)
tenurial (Correction)
szóra bír to bring out (Correction)
bírói szék bench (Correction)
birmingham brummagem (Correction)
japán birs japonica (Correction)
birsalmafa quince (Correction)
quince-tree (Correction)
birslekvár quince-marmalade (Correction)
bírál vmit to nibble at sg (Correction)
bíráskodik to umpire (Correction)
birkanyírás clip (Correction)
birsalmabor quince-wine (Correction)
birkafaggyú suet (Correction)
birtoklevél title-deed (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

17 different matching expressions found:

bírt 'd (Correction)
bíráló censorious (Correction)
bíróság court-house (Correction)
bírálat criticism (Correction)
critique (Correction)
(bírni) to have (Correction)
birtokol possess (Correction)
(ki)bírja stick it (Correction)
Birtokolni Have/Had (Correction)
birkanyíró shearer (Correction)
juh, birka sheep (Correction)
(döntő)bíró adjudicator (Correction)
birkaszelet mutton-chop (Correction)
birkagulyás mutton-stew (Correction)
birkalegelő sheep-run (Correction)
sheep-walk (Correction)
birkanyírás sheep-shearing (Correction)

Correction mode off