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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

19 different matching expressions found:

bizalom confidence (Correction)
credit (Correction)
dependence (Correction)
faith (Correction)
reliance (Correction)
trist (Correction)
trust (Correction)
trustfulness (Correction)
bizalommal trustingly (Correction)
bizalomteljes trustful (Correction)
bizalomra méltó dependable (Correction)
bizalomgerjesztő dependable (Correction)
bizalomra méltóan dependably (Correction)
bizalomgerjesztően dependably (Correction)
bizalomra nem méltó untrustworthy (Correction)
nem bizalomgerjesztő uninviting (Correction)
bizalommal viseltetik to trust (Correction)
bizalommal van vki iránt to place confidence in sy (Correction)
to place every confidence in sy (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

4 different matching expressions found:

bizalom/hit faith (Correction)
bizalomteljes confiding (Correction)
bizalom; magabiztosság confidence (Correction)
bizik (vkiben); bizalom trust (Correction)

Correction mode off