[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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35 different matching expressions found:

felbőr outer skin (Correction)
felborít to blow over (Correction)
to bowl over (Correction)
to capsize (Correction)
to push over (Correction)
to roll over (Correction)
to tilt (Correction)
to tip (Correction)
to tip over (Correction)
to tip up (Correction)
to tumble (Correction)
to tumble down (Correction)
to turn over (Correction)
to upset (Correction)
felborul to capsize (Correction)
to fall over (Correction)
to keel over (Correction)
to tip (Correction)
to tip over (Correction)
to tip up (Correction)
to upset (Correction)
felborzol to bristle (Correction)
to fluff (Correction)
to rough up (Correction)
to ruffle (Correction)
felborulás tipping (Correction)
turnover (Correction)
upset (Correction)
felborítás tipping (Correction)
turnover (Correction)
upsetting (Correction)
felborzolódik to ruffle (Correction)
felborítja vki terveit to derange sy's plans (Correction)
felborzolja vkinek az idegeit to rough sy up the wrong way (Correction)
az állandó zaj felborzolja az idegeimet the constant noise frays my nerves (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

felborít bowl over (Correction)
overbalance (Correction)
tip up (Correction)
felborul capsize (Correction)
fall over (Correction)
felborzolódik bristle up (Correction)
felborítja a terveket throw a spanner into the works (Correction)
felborítja a lelki egyensúlyát throw off his balance (Correction)

Correction mode off