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17 different matching expressions found:

gyógyít to cure (Correction)
to doctor (Correction)
to medicate (Correction)
to salve (Correction)
gyógyító healer (Correction)
healing (Correction)
medicinal (Correction)
remedial (Correction)
gyógyítás curing (Correction)
healing (Correction)
gyógyíthatatlan beyond recovery (Correction)
incurable (Correction)
kuruzslással gyógyít to pow-wow (Correction)
ráolvasással gyógyít to pow-wow (Correction)
mindent gyógyító ital elixir (Correction)
hátgerincmasszázzsal gyógyító chiropractic (Correction)
chiropractor (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

5 different matching expressions found:

gyógyít cure (Correction)
medicate (Correction)
gyógyítható curable (Correction)
gyógymód; gyógyit cure (Correction)
(meg)gyógyít; beheged, beforr (seb) heal (Correction)

Correction mode off