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15 different matching expressions found:

hátralék arrears (Correction)
remainder (Correction)
hátralékos residuary (Correction)
hátralékba jut to fall into arrears (Correction)
to get into arrears (Correction)
hátralékban van to be behind (Correction)
to be behind-hand (Correction)
to be behindhand (Correction)
to fall into arrears (Correction)
to get into arrears (Correction)
hátralékba kerül to fall into arrears (Correction)
to get into arrears (Correction)
hátralékos kamatok arrears of interest (Correction)
hátralékos tartozás arrears (Correction)
hátralékban van vmivel to be behind with sg (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

4 different matching expressions found:

hátrálékba kerül fall into arrears (Correction)
hátralékba kerül get into arrears (Correction)
hátralék/tartalék backlog (Correction)
fizetési hátralék back pay (Correction)

Correction mode off