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91 different matching expressions found:

kell must (Correction)
to need (Correction)
to require (Correction)
kellő competent (Correction)
due (Correction)
kellem amenity (Correction)
charm (Correction)
grace (Correction)
gracefulness (Correction)
kellék appurtenance (Correction)
attachment (Correction)
fixture (Correction)
implement (Correction)
ingredient (Correction)
makings (Correction)
necessity (Correction)
paraphernalia (Correction)
requirement (Correction)
requisite (Correction)
ha kell in case of necessity (Correction)
kellene ought (Correction)
kellékek accessories (Correction)
fittings (Correction)
fixings (Correction)
makings (Correction)
properties (Correction)
kellemes affable (Correction)
agreeable (Correction)
bland (Correction)
boon (Correction)
comely (Correction)
comfortable (Correction)
delectable (Correction)
engaging (Correction)
genial (Correction)
glad (Correction)
liquid (Correction)
nice (Correction)
palatable (Correction)
pleasant (Correction)
pleasing (Correction)
pleasurable (Correction)
snug (Correction)
soft (Correction)
suave (Correction)
sweet (Correction)
welcome (Correction)
ami kell cheese (Correction)
kelletlen backward (Correction)
grudging (Correction)
reluctant (Correction)
unwilling (Correction)
kellemesen affably (Correction)
agreeably (Correction)
kellemesség amenity (Correction)
kellemetlen awkward (Correction)
bad (Correction)
bothersome (Correction)
crabby (Correction)
disagreeable (Correction)
disappointing (Correction)
displeasing (Correction)
effing (Correction)
grotty (Correction)
homely (Correction)
ill (Correction)
inconvenient (Correction)
irksome (Correction)
nasty (Correction)
noisome (Correction)
objectionable (Correction)
obnoxious (Correction)
offensive (Correction)
pesky (Correction)
pestilent (Correction)
sticky (Correction)
troublesome (Correction)
ugly (Correction)
uneasy (Correction)
ungrateful (Correction)
unkindly (Correction)
unlovely (Correction)
unpleasant (Correction)
unpleasing (Correction)
unsavory (Correction)
kelletlenül grudgingly (Correction)
reluctantly (Correction)
mennem kell i am to go (Correction)
i must go (Correction)
i've got to go (Correction)
i've to go (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

kell have got to (Correction)
kellően adequatly (Correction)
kellene should (Correction)
kellemes enjoyable (Correction)
nem kell needn't (Correction)
kellékes prop guy (Correction)
property-man (Correction)
kelléktár property-room (Correction)
nekem kell i need (Correction)

Correction mode off