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4 different matching expressions found:

kuplung clutch (Correction)
kuplungol to clutch (Correction)
felengedi a kuplungot to engage the clutch (Correction)
visszaengedi a kuplungot to engage the clutch (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

kuplungol declutch (Correction)
put the clutch out (Correction)
kuplungszerkezet clutch assy (Correction)
a kuplung csúszása clutch slip (Correction)
kiengedi a kuplungot let up the clutch (Correction)
kinyomja a kuplungot push out the clutch (Correction)
throw out the clutch (Correction)
felengedi a kuplungot let in the clutch (Correction)

Correction mode off