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93 different matching expressions found:

lét entity (Correction)
existence (Correction)
letét deposit (Correction)
trust (Correction)
létra ladder (Correction)
scale (Correction)
letud to acquit (Correction)
to write off (Correction)
letol to blow up (Correction)
to call down (Correction)
to razz (Correction)
letör to break away (Correction)
to break down (Correction)
to chip (Correction)
to overbear, -bore, -borne (Correction)
to pull down (Correction)
to silence (Correction)
letér to go off (Correction)
to oblique (Correction)
to turn off (Correction)
letép to pick (Correction)
to pick off (Correction)
to pluck (Correction)
to rip off (Correction)
to rive sg away (Correction)
to rive sg off (Correction)
to rive, rived, riven (Correction)
to tear away (Correction)
to tear off (Correction)
to tear, tore, torn (Correction)
to yank off (Correction)
letevő depositor (Correction)
létező existing (Correction)
extant (Correction)
going (Correction)
substantial (Correction)
letűnt extinct (Correction)
létige substantive verb (Correction)
letesz to bestow (Correction)
to depose (Correction)
to discard (Correction)
to down (Correction)
to drop (Correction)
to get off (Correction)
to lay aside (Correction)
to lay by (Correction)
to lay down (Correction)
to leave off (Correction)
to lodge (Correction)
to put down (Correction)
to set down (Correction)
to set, set (Correction)
to shove off (Correction)
to stick down (Correction)
letétel deposition (Correction)
létezés existence (Correction)
létszám headcount (Correction)
number (Correction)
letépés laceration (Correction)
letörés rot (Correction)
letarol to abrade (Correction)
to blast (Correction)
to devastate (Correction)
létezik to be, was/were, been (Correction)
to exist (Correction)
to live (Correction)
letakar to blanket (Correction)
letámad to blitz (Correction)
letörik to break away (Correction)
to break down (Correction)
to chip (Correction)
to come away (Correction)
létesít to create (Correction)
to erect (Correction)
to establish (Correction)
to found (Correction)
to institute (Correction)
to originate (Correction)
to produce (Correction)
to set up (Correction)
letusol to douche (Correction)
leterít to fling, flung (Correction)
to lay out (Correction)
to prostrate (Correction)
leteper to floor (Correction)
letöröl to mop (Correction)
to mop up (Correction)
to wipe (Correction)
letelik to run out (Correction)
letapos to trample (Correction)
to tread down (Correction)
leteker to unroll (Correction)
to wind off (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

letör break down (Correction)
letép rip off (Correction)
tear away (Correction)
letört broken-down (Correction)
létező existent (Correction)
letesz put down (Correction)
set down (Correction)

Correction mode off