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74 different matching expressions found:

pír blush (Correction)
flush (Correction)
suffusion (Correction)
pirit calcine (Correction)
piros red (Correction)
ruddy (Correction)
pirul to flush (Correction)
to mantle (Correction)
pirula drop (Correction)
pellet (Correction)
pill (Correction)
tablet (Correction)
pirkad to dawn (Correction)
pirulás flush (Correction)
heightened colour (Correction)
suffusion (Correction)
piranja piranha (Correction)
piruett pirouette (Correction)
piramis pyramid (Correction)
pirosas reddish (Correction)
pirosan rosily (Correction)
pirosít to ruddy (Correction)
pirítós toast (Correction)
pirkadat dawn (Correction)
pirosság red (Correction)
pirongat to chide, chid, chidden (Correction)
piroslik to go red (Correction)
to grow red (Correction)
to turn red (Correction)
pirolízis pyrolisis (Correction)
piros lap red card (Correction)
pirítólap salamander (Correction)
piromániás incendiary (Correction)
piros szín red (Correction)
pirosszemű red-eyed (Correction)
pirkadatkor at dawn (Correction)
at early dawn (Correction)
at peep of dawn (Correction)
at peep of day (Correction)
at the first streak of dawn (Correction)
piros golyó red (Correction)
piruettezik to pirouette (Correction)
pirospozsgás buxom (Correction)
florid (Correction)
full-blood (Correction)
full-blooded (Correction)
ruddy (Correction)
pírlepte arc cheek perfumed with a blush (Correction)
pirotechnika pyrotechnics (Correction)
pyrotechny (Correction)
piros szalag red tape (Correction)
piros paprika paprika (Correction)
pepper (Correction)
red pepper (Correction)
pirulás doboz pillbox (Correction)
pirotechnikai pyrotechnic (Correction)
pyrotechnical (Correction)
pirotechnikus pyrotechnist (Correction)
pirítósállvány toast rack (Correction)
sajtos pirítós toasted cheese (Correction)
pirosszemű kele red-eye (Correction)
roach (Correction)
pirító serpenyő salamander (Correction)
ropogósra pirít to frizzle (Correction)
ez keserű pirula it is a bitter pill (Correction)
pirulás szelence pillbox (Correction)
piros (kártyában) hearts (Correction)
pirulásra késztet to flush (Correction)
pirongat vkit vmiért to twit sy with sg (Correction)
beveszi a keserű pirulát to swallow the bitter pill (Correction)
lenyeli a keserű pirulát to swallow the bitter pill (Correction)
piros ropogós cseresznye white-heart cherry (Correction)
megédesíti a keserű pirulát to gild the pill (Correction)
to sugar the pill (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

26 different matching expressions found:

pír ruddiness (Correction)
pirit pyrites (Correction)
pirula pilule (Correction)
pirites pyritic (Correction)
pirítás toasting (Correction)
(el)pirulás blush (Correction)
nagy pirula bolus (Correction)
pirospaprika red paprika (Correction)
pirospozsgás rubicund (Correction)
pirítóstartó toast-rack (Correction)
sajtos pirítós rarebit (Correction)
piros futórózsa crimson rambler (Correction)
pirotechnika(i) pyrotechnical (Correction)
pirítós állvány toast rack (Correction)
pirula, tabletta pill (Correction)
tabletta, pirula tablet (Correction)
szégyenlős/piruló blushing (Correction)
piros érett (növ) red ripe (növ) (Correction)
piros lámpa(fény) stop-light (Correction)
pirospozsgás pufók chubby (Correction)
piroska little red riding-hood (Correction)
piroska es a farka.. little red riding hood (Correction)
majd ha piros hó esik tomorrow come never (Correction)
lenyeli a keserű pirulát swallow the bitter pill (Correction)
megédesíti a keserű pirulát sugar the pill (Correction)
"""majd ha piros hó esik""" wait till the cows come home (Correction)

Correction mode off