[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

32 different matching expressions found:

tanít to edify (Correction)
to educate (Correction)
to instruct (Correction)
to profess (Correction)
to school (Correction)
to teach, taught (Correction)
tanító instructive (Correction)
instructor (Correction)
master (Correction)
preceptor (Correction)
tanítás education (Correction)
instruction (Correction)
message (Correction)
school (Correction)
tuition (Correction)
tanítónő instructress (Correction)
school-marm (Correction)
schoolmistress (Correction)
tanítvány disciple (Correction)
follower (Correction)
tanító néni school-marm (Correction)
tanítási óra class (Correction)
lesson (Correction)
period (Correction)
tanítási nap school-day (Correction)
tanítóskodik to teach school (Correction)
hamis tanítás false doctrine (Correction)
tanítónénisen schoolmarmishly (Correction)
bennlakó tanító resident master (Correction)
móresre tanít vkit to teach sy a lesson (Correction)
ne tanítsd az öreganyádat teach your grandmother to suck eggs (Correction)
erkölcsi tanulságra tanít to moralize (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

17 different matching expressions found:

tanít teach (Correction)
tanit teach , taught , taught (Correction)
tanító school-teacher (Correction)
tanítás schoolmastering (Correction)
teaching (Correction)
tanítónő school-dame (Correction)
school-ma'am (Correction)
tanítani to teach (Correction)
tanítvány pupil (Correction)
tanítóképző training-college (Correction)
training-school (Correction)
tanítási idő school-time (Correction)
móresre tanít teach a lesson (Correction)
taníthatatlan unteachable (Correction)
egyetemen tanító tanár lecturer (Correction)
tandij, oktatás, tanitás tuition (Correction)
írni-olvasni tanító, vmnek az elemeit tanító abecedarian (Correction)

Correction mode off