[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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75 different matching expressions found:

tele full (Correction)
replete (Correction)
thick with (Correction)
telep battery (Correction)
bed (Correction)
estate (Correction)
settlement (Correction)
thalamus (Correction)
yard (Correction)
telek building plot (Correction)
building site (Correction)
lot (Correction)
parcel (Correction)
plot (Correction)
site (Correction)
telér seam (Correction)
strike (Correction)
telex teleprinter (Correction)
teletype (Correction)
telex (Correction)
telel to winter (Correction)
telefon hooter (Correction)
phone (Correction)
telephone (Correction)
telepes planter (Correction)
resident (Correction)
settler (Correction)
teletöm to crowd (Correction)
to pack (Correction)
to sate (Correction)
to satiate (Correction)
telepít to deploy (Correction)
to introduce (Correction)
to locate (Correction)
to route (Correction)
to site (Correction)
telerak to heap (Correction)
telelés wintering (Correction)
telepata clairaudient (Correction)
telexgép teleprinter (Correction)
teletype (Correction)
telex machine (Correction)
teletölt to fill up (Correction)
to replenish (Correction)
to stuff (Correction)
teleszór to litter (Correction)
telepítés deployment (Correction)
telekrész parcel (Correction)
telephely park (Correction)
település settlement (Correction)
strata (Correction)
telepátia telepathy (Correction)
televízió television (Correction)
telefonál to give sy a tinkle (Correction)
to phone (Correction)
teletömött replete (Correction)
teleológia teleology (Correction)
telezsúfol to clutter up (Correction)
teletűzdel to lard (Correction)
tele kérem! fill her up please! (Correction)
teleológiai teleological (Correction)
telepatikus telepathic (Correction)
teleszkópos telescopic (Correction)
gazdag telér bonanza (Correction)
telefonhívás buzz (Correction)
call (Correction)
telefonfülke call box (Correction)
kiosk (Correction)
telephone booth (Correction)
telefonkönyv directory (Correction)
telephone book (Correction)
telephone directory (Correction)
házi telefon intercom (Correction)
telekadósság land charge (Correction)
első telepes pioneer (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

25 different matching expressions found:

telek croft (Correction)
telepes battery-operated (Correction)
telefax telefax (Correction)
telephotograph (Correction)
teletölt fill up (Correction)
replenish (Correction)
telefon- telephonic (Correction)
telepátia clairvoyance (Correction)
(tele)töm cram (Correction)
telefonál make a phone call (Correction)
telefonos operator (Correction)
telephely premise (Correction)
site (Correction)
teleszkóp telescope (Correction)
"telefere" chatshow (Correction)
telezsúfol clutter up (Correction)
tele kérem fill her up please (Correction)
félig tele half full (Correction)
telekkönyv land register (Correction)
tele vagyok i am full (Correction)
i'm full (Correction)
telefonszám telephone number (Correction)
telefonálás telephoning (Correction)
telephony (Correction)
telefaxolás telephotography (Correction)

Correction mode off