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11 different matching expressions found:

tempó tempo, tempi (Correction)
zest (Correction)
ex tempore ad-lib (Correction)
tempót diktál to pace (Correction)
élénk tempóban at a lively clip (Correction)
hajtja a tempót to press the pace (Correction)
sietteti a tempót to press the pace (Correction)
nagy tempóban megy to go the pace (Correction)
nagy tempóban halad to go the pace (Correction)
kényelmes tempóban hajt to tool (Correction)
kényelmes tempóban vezet to tool (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

5 different matching expressions found:

tempót diktál make the pace (Correction)
set the pace (Correction)
ilyen tempóban at that rate (Correction)
at this rate (Correction)
egyenletes tempó steady pace (Correction)

Correction mode off